So... i corrected the time line with little bits of info using Facebook chat
AND I updated to include all the way up to May 29th.
Thats as far as it goes...
If I do anything with it, it'd probably only go up to May 4th...
That is until June 4th... ;)
JULY 15th 2009 - Sgste and FMG become friends. FMG promises to keep Sgste's first picture of her forever.
JULY 17th 2009 - Ste learns FMG's real name.
SEPT 8th 2009 - Tam recieves MSN video and says she will post response.
SEPT 26th 2009 - Ste mentions crush on Lucy.
NOV 21st 2009 - Tam and Shel get together. Ste realises he really likes Tam.
OCT 28th 2009 - Ste mentions Lucy's new BF, Luke.
DEC 1st 2009 - Ste gets new nickname, Fya Wya.
DEC 3rd 2009 - Tam gets new nickname, Mara.
DEC 6th 2009 - Shel breaks up with Mara.
DEC 23rd 2009 - Brian catches Mara on the rebound.
(between 24/12/2009 and 5/2/2010, mara and brian split)
FEB 6th 2010 - Mara realises she really likes Fya Wya
FEB 9th 2010 - Mara realises she STILL hasn't made that video response.
FEB 16th 2010 - Mara drops a hint. Fya Wya misses it. ¬_¬
FEB 20th 2010 - Birth of the fairy princess.
FEB 23rd 2010 - Mara leaves 'ily!' at the end of her message. Fya Wya misses it. >:\
FEB 28th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara both start ending messages with 'yours...'
MAR 2nd 2010 - Fya Wya catches Mara on Facebook chat for the first time.
MAR 4th 2010 - Fya Wya plans to call Mara on the phone.
MAR 5th 2010 - Mara explains she has been 'stalking' Fya Wya. He picks up. :D
MAR 7th 2010 - Fya Wya recieves the biggest hug ever.
MAR 9th 2010 - Fya Wya calls Mara.
MAR 10th 2010 - Birth of the 'over weight' smiley.
MAR 11th 2010 - The 'laundry basket' theory is put in place.
MAR 12th 2010 - Collab video is FINALLY uploaded. Fya Wya and Mara end messages with an 'X'
MAR 13th 2010 - Smiley is now named 'Chubby Smiley' Webcam meeting planned.
MAR 15th 2010 - Fya Wya complete's his first poem for Mara. 'Miss Mara Lynn'
MAR 17th 2010 - Fya Wya responds with 'lovez' and Mara does the same.
MAR 22nd 2010 - Mara leaves a heart at the end of her message. The deed is done.
MAR 26th 2010 - Webcam fail.Fya Wya promises a super hug.
MAR 30th 2010 - Mara becomes a fairy princess.
APR 2nd 2010 - Webcam fail. YouTube messages end.
APR 5th 2010 - Mara goes to California for a week. no internet.
(every day for the next week, Fya Wya leaves Mara a video)
APR 13th 2010 - Mara returns.
APR 18th 2010 - Mara loses Skype due to computer problems. Fya Wya explains how much he loves her.
APR 20th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara meet up on Facebook chat.
APR 24th 2010 - Its final... ginger's are cute...
MAY 1st 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara begin blowing kisses to one another.
MAY 3rd 2010 - Chubbz becomes a couple with former Mara stalker, Matthew. Mix Tape short is a GO!
MAY 4th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara change their status' to 'in a relationship.' ^_^
May 11th 2010 - Fya Wya dreamt of Mara. Mara wishes she gets a dream of Fya Wya.
May 18th 2010 - Mara calls Fya Wya her hero. Fya Wya responds with a cute picture.
May 19th 2010 - Fya Wya decides to make an origami Mara. Looks for tutorial.
May 22nd 2010 - Fya Wya finds tutorial.
May 23rd 2010 - Fya Wya makes shirt/pants. Mix tape is completed.
May 26th 2010 - Fya Wya posts a bunch of artwork/poetry all aimed at Mara. She loves them.
May 27th 2010 - Ye Olde English FTW
May 29th 2010 - Mara finally has a dream of Fya Wya. Her perfect date. All is noted for future use.
And thats as far as my life is up to... for now... ^_^
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
Okay... so before I start, Lucy found out as I stupidly sent her this, forgetting she was in it. xD
Aah well... all is okey now. :)
So its a timeline of ME and TAM! ♥
JULY 15th 2009 - Sgste and FMG become friends.
JULY 17th 2009 - Ste learns FMG's real name.
SEPT 8th 2009 - Tam recieves MSN video and says she will post response.
SEPT 26th 2009 - Ste mentions crush on Lucy.
NOV 21st 2009 - Tam and Shel get together. Ste realises he really likes Tam.
OCT 28th 2009 - Ste mentions Lucy's new BF, Luke.
DEC 1st 2009 - Ste gets new nickname, Fya Wya.
DEC 3rd 2009 - Tam gets new nickname, Mara.
DEC 6th 2009 - Shel breaks up with Mara.
DEC 23rd 2009 - Brian catches Mara on the rebound.
(between 24/12/2009 and 5/2/2010, mara and brian split)
FEB 6th 2010 - Mara realises she really likes Fya Wya
FEB 9th 2010 - Mara realises she STILL hasn't made that video response.
FEB 16th 2010 - Mara drops a hint. Fya Wya misses it. ¬_¬
FEB 20th 2010 - Birth of the fairy princess.
FEB 23rd 2010 - Mara leaves 'ily!' at the end of her message. Fya Wya misses it. >:\
FEB 28th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara both start ending messages with 'yours...'
MAR 4th 2010 - Fya Wya plans to call Mara on the phone.
MAR 5th 2010 - Mara explains she has been 'stalking' Fya Wya. He picks up. :D
MAR 7th 2010 - Fya Wya recieves the biggest hug ever.
MAR 10th 2010 - Birth of the 'over weight' smiley.
MAR 11th 2010 - The 'laundry basket' theory is put in place.
MAR 12th 2010 - Collab video is finally uploaded. Mara ends message with an 'X'
MAR 13th 2010 - Smiley is now named 'Chubby Smiley' Webcam meeting planned.
MAR 15th 2010 - Fya Wya complete's his first poem for Mara. 'Miss Mara Lynn'
MAR 17th 2010 - Fya Wya responds with 'lovez' and Mara does the same.
MAR 26th 2010 - Webcam fail.Fya WYa promises a super hug.
APR 2nd 2010 - Webcam fail. YouTube messages end and Facebook chat starts.
MAY 4th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara change their status' to 'in a relationship.' ^_^
Aah well... all is okey now. :)
So its a timeline of ME and TAM! ♥
JULY 15th 2009 - Sgste and FMG become friends.
JULY 17th 2009 - Ste learns FMG's real name.
SEPT 8th 2009 - Tam recieves MSN video and says she will post response.
SEPT 26th 2009 - Ste mentions crush on Lucy.
NOV 21st 2009 - Tam and Shel get together. Ste realises he really likes Tam.
OCT 28th 2009 - Ste mentions Lucy's new BF, Luke.
DEC 1st 2009 - Ste gets new nickname, Fya Wya.
DEC 3rd 2009 - Tam gets new nickname, Mara.
DEC 6th 2009 - Shel breaks up with Mara.
DEC 23rd 2009 - Brian catches Mara on the rebound.
(between 24/12/2009 and 5/2/2010, mara and brian split)
FEB 6th 2010 - Mara realises she really likes Fya Wya
FEB 9th 2010 - Mara realises she STILL hasn't made that video response.
FEB 16th 2010 - Mara drops a hint. Fya Wya misses it. ¬_¬
FEB 20th 2010 - Birth of the fairy princess.
FEB 23rd 2010 - Mara leaves 'ily!' at the end of her message. Fya Wya misses it. >:\
FEB 28th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara both start ending messages with 'yours...'
MAR 4th 2010 - Fya Wya plans to call Mara on the phone.
MAR 5th 2010 - Mara explains she has been 'stalking' Fya Wya. He picks up. :D
MAR 7th 2010 - Fya Wya recieves the biggest hug ever.
MAR 10th 2010 - Birth of the 'over weight' smiley.
MAR 11th 2010 - The 'laundry basket' theory is put in place.
MAR 12th 2010 - Collab video is finally uploaded. Mara ends message with an 'X'
MAR 13th 2010 - Smiley is now named 'Chubby Smiley' Webcam meeting planned.
MAR 15th 2010 - Fya Wya complete's his first poem for Mara. 'Miss Mara Lynn'
MAR 17th 2010 - Fya Wya responds with 'lovez' and Mara does the same.
MAR 26th 2010 - Webcam fail.Fya WYa promises a super hug.
APR 2nd 2010 - Webcam fail. YouTube messages end and Facebook chat starts.
MAY 4th 2010 - Fya Wya and Mara change their status' to 'in a relationship.' ^_^
Turn of events
So... the strangest thing just happened to me.
I've been reading through all the messages me and Tamara (*sigh ♥*) used to share together before we were going out.
I have ALL of our messages stored in my YT inbox.
Anyway, I just started reading ont the part where she introduces her BF at the time (a stupid douchebag named Shel)
And I read this...
'there's only one thing that i don't like about him.. (and this will only be between me and you) but he has SO many friends that are girls.. and they always send him messages on facebook saying things like, "i miss you shel"'
... I wouldn't say I don't like it, but I know Tam has a lot of friends who are guys and MANY of them live in America, which is closer to her than me in little ol' England.
They're exactly the same. 'I miss you Tam!' and 'Tammy my Otaku ♥ ♥ ♥' etc.
I know Tam won't do anything to 'betray' or 'cheat' on me, it's just a little annoying. Still, pet peeves don't mean squat. ;)
I still love her... she still loves me... all is well... ^_^
I've been reading through all the messages me and Tamara (*sigh ♥*) used to share together before we were going out.
I have ALL of our messages stored in my YT inbox.
Anyway, I just started reading ont the part where she introduces her BF at the time (a stupid douchebag named Shel)
And I read this...
'there's only one thing that i don't like about him.. (and this will only be between me and you) but he has SO many friends that are girls.. and they always send him messages on facebook saying things like, "i miss you shel"'
... I wouldn't say I don't like it, but I know Tam has a lot of friends who are guys and MANY of them live in America, which is closer to her than me in little ol' England.
They're exactly the same. 'I miss you Tam!' and 'Tammy my Otaku ♥ ♥ ♥' etc.
I know Tam won't do anything to 'betray' or 'cheat' on me, it's just a little annoying. Still, pet peeves don't mean squat. ;)
I still love her... she still loves me... all is well... ^_^
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
[ S T O O P I D ]
Officially label me stupid.
A while back, someone said I would enjoy the SAW films.
Obviously not.
Recently, I was working on a concept for a video game where I wanted to make the main character suffer. I was told that a specific 'trap' from SAW 6 would work to my inspiration.
... I will never look at a carousel the same... ever again.
THE most disturbing thing I've ever watched... no joke...
... but thankfully, I know that...
1. It's not real.
2. God is on my side.
A while back, someone said I would enjoy the SAW films.
Obviously not.
Recently, I was working on a concept for a video game where I wanted to make the main character suffer. I was told that a specific 'trap' from SAW 6 would work to my inspiration.
... I will never look at a carousel the same... ever again.
THE most disturbing thing I've ever watched... no joke...
... but thankfully, I know that...
1. It's not real.
2. God is on my side.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
My Life and Goals.
Haven't written much about my life recently.
Thought I might as well...
- College:
When I said 'The people there are douche bags' what I mean was, 'I'm a douche bag.'
Yesh... my fault. I just don't get along well with other people. Especially guys who are older than me. I dunno why, I just struggle in that field. I shouldn't, but I do. So yeh. So, now there's only one or two douche bags in college. xD
GOAL: Finish the year with more buddies than previously.
Not really filming as much recently. It's a shame, because I wanted so desperately to use my new VIDEO CAMERA!!!
See, the problem is that I need actors. I can't have actors, however, because my only willing participants are my sister (willing? pfft. She's in Wales anyway.) and some buddies from my old school (still in school.)
I need to hire some actors. For real. I need a whole film making crew! I need...
GOAL: Find some actors, make a plan and film something awesome.
Still playing piano and creating masterpieces, just not recording them and making them into massive soundtrack pieces. Someone I know asked for one of my pieces and put it on their music thing... (MP3? MP4? Whatever) Which made me pretty chuffed.
Still, this area of my life isn't all too important, so no massive goals for me.
Had an idea to write a story about WATOTO and the conflicts of AFRICA. Would be interesting. Maybe not the cleverest idea in the , but still...
Anyway, I have to finish my previous stories first. My 'college' story has sorta deteriorated into squat. It probably wasn't even a story. I would have called it more 'A method of remaining sane.' Basically, I guess the reason wanted to write such things was because I wanted to make everything clear in my mind. Well, it's all pretty clear now so I can go ahead and quit it where it is. Maybe give it some kind of narrative ending at whatever point I've reached just so I don't get a 'unfinished business' feeling.
And about the 'Nephilim' story? Stuck on a character and their motive. As soon as their outta the way, PREPARE FOR BIG GUNS!
GOAL: Finish off College story and make character profile for GENERAL KORU.
You know pretty much all there is to it.
I liked girl.
Didn't say squat for about 2 years because she lives in America.
Still liked girl.
Contact and Messages became more frequent. Remained for a month or so.
Told girl truth. She liked me too.
And now on Facebook, both our statuses are set to 'In A Relationship.'
So yeh. That's it.
GOAL: Tell her the truth [X] done.
So... I guess that's it. If I remember anymore, I'll be sure to post.
... laterz.
Thought I might as well...
- College:
When I said 'The people there are douche bags' what I mean was, 'I'm a douche bag.'
Yesh... my fault. I just don't get along well with other people. Especially guys who are older than me. I dunno why, I just struggle in that field. I shouldn't, but I do. So yeh. So, now there's only one or two douche bags in college. xD
GOAL: Finish the year with more buddies than previously.
Not really filming as much recently. It's a shame, because I wanted so desperately to use my new VIDEO CAMERA!!!
See, the problem is that I need actors. I can't have actors, however, because my only willing participants are my sister (willing? pfft. She's in Wales anyway.) and some buddies from my old school (still in school.)
I need to hire some actors. For real. I need a whole film making crew! I need...
GOAL: Find some actors, make a plan and film something awesome.
Still playing piano and creating masterpieces, just not recording them and making them into massive soundtrack pieces. Someone I know asked for one of my pieces and put it on their music thing... (MP3? MP4? Whatever) Which made me pretty chuffed.
Still, this area of my life isn't all too important, so no massive goals for me.
Had an idea to write a story about WATOTO and the conflicts of AFRICA. Would be interesting. Maybe not the cleverest idea in the , but still...
Anyway, I have to finish my previous stories first. My 'college' story has sorta deteriorated into squat. It probably wasn't even a story. I would have called it more 'A method of remaining sane.' Basically, I guess the reason wanted to write such things was because I wanted to make everything clear in my mind. Well, it's all pretty clear now so I can go ahead and quit it where it is. Maybe give it some kind of narrative ending at whatever point I've reached just so I don't get a 'unfinished business' feeling.
And about the 'Nephilim' story? Stuck on a character and their motive. As soon as their outta the way, PREPARE FOR BIG GUNS!
GOAL: Finish off College story and make character profile for GENERAL KORU.
You know pretty much all there is to it.
I liked girl.
Didn't say squat for about 2 years because she lives in America.
Still liked girl.
Contact and Messages became more frequent. Remained for a month or so.
Told girl truth. She liked me too.
And now on Facebook, both our statuses are set to 'In A Relationship.'
So yeh. That's it.
GOAL: Tell her the truth [X] done.
So... I guess that's it. If I remember anymore, I'll be sure to post.
... laterz.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Watching Prisoner.
Just got my bank statement.
I withdrew £40, but only lost £10.
this is all randomness.
But soon they will not matter.
Because this time tomorrow, I will be ready to talk to my princess ♥
Even though I'll be ready at this time tomorrow, I'm sure the convo will only start in about two or three hours from that point.
thats all.
Just got my bank statement.
I withdrew £40, but only lost £10.
this is all randomness.
But soon they will not matter.
Because this time tomorrow, I will be ready to talk to my princess ♥
Even though I'll be ready at this time tomorrow, I'm sure the convo will only start in about two or three hours from that point.
thats all.
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