Thursday 28 May 2009

the revision song...

(sing to the theme of 'The Great Escape)


I hate revision...

But someday, I'll look back on revision...

And say revision...

Thank you, revision...

If not, then oh well, I tried...

I'm bored... I got too much revision...

I got a lot to look forward to. The days do not pass fast enough!

I had a '24' marathon on Monday.

17 hours of non-stop 24 action! Season 6 is mega!

other than that, and the 'arts academy' practice I did earlier, not much else has been fun.


Oh well.

I wanna make movies, but I can't until ALL my exams are over... NOOOOO!

That doesn't include my science module, though! yay...

sys... see ya soon


Monday 18 May 2009

Sorry for the time lag...

I've just been REALLY busy with revision, as I have now finished school, and am revising for my VERY last exams... w00t!

I have just finished my maths paper 1, and will have English Literature tomorrow.



I have been revising for most of this afternoon and am now having a break.



I've been making more movies... in case your interested...

This is the page with all my vids on it...

Please comment and rate.



That's about all from me.

so... I guess this is goodbye...
