Saturday 8 August 2009


I just had a mini revelation as I slept... just had to write it down...

People say, 'God made everything, and so God made sin.'

Several people make this claim, and I am here to disprove it.

Firstly the claim God made everything... well... he didn't.

When God made things, it was in the Garden of Eden. That was when he stopped.

He didn't make anything else after that. Why? Because 'It Was Good.'

Sin isn't good.

Also, did God make cars? You will laugh and say of course not.

Therefore I have already proved hi didn't make everything.

HOWEVER, he made cars POSSIBLE.

It is easier to explain with airplanes.

Did God make planes? no. BUT, God made aerodynamics. He made propulsion and all that stuff which makes flight possible. He made planes possible 6000 years before they came into being!

So lets talk about sin. Did God make sin?

No... but he made it possible.

You see, if we lived in a society where everyone HAD to follow the rules, what kind of society wold that be?

Imagine being forced to worship ONE God.

God didn't want a robotic world. He wanted His children to worship Him because they chose too, not because they were forced too.

And so, He made free choice.

However, free choice left a possibility for disobedience. sin.

Therefore, God didn't make sin. He only made sin possible, but only because He wanted us to live in a community where we are not forced to do His will. We have a choice.

... go me!

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