Friday 4 September 2009

Movies, Sketches and What-not...

I like to make movies, sketches and what not...

I've recently watched Phone Booth again (best film ever, btw!!!) and decided i would like to make either a spoof or serious 'home made' version of it.

I Also had this coolio idea of a 'Prince of Persia' thingy. I have a whole plan and everything! :P LISTEN TO THIS!!! (I even researched Persian names... WTH!?)

The King of Persia, whose name escapes me, was born a son. Dastan. However, fighting against the Romans, The King was found impregnating a slave he had stolen. Having told no-one, and realizing the ruin if news escaped, the King banished the slave and her son.

Another king, one of a smaller kingdom, had a baron wife, after she bore a daughter. Failing to gain a son, This king decided to look elsewhere for an heir.

The slave was taken in and her son became the next heir to the throne. The son’s name became Ahriman. However, upon learning of his mothers past and of his father being such an evil minded king, he ran away, taking a sword, a dagger*, and giving his older sister, Farrah, a secret oath never to tell of his existence.

** The dagger was one of a twin set, both told to control the sands of time.’

Spending most of his time in the city of Babylon, Ahriman discovers the abilities of the dagger when fending for food. For some reason, the dagger begins working. This must have meant the sands were released!

Now, on a mission to return to his home, Ahriman teams up with a young girl, Talia. Together they must discover the fate of Ahrimad’s home, step-sister and discover the true meaning of friendship.

w00p! :P

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