Thursday 2 September 2010

FIRE for GOD... and a FIRE for His MOVIE! :D

Recently, I've been really on fire for this movie...

I don't know why I'm so fired up, but I'm REALLY hoping it gets put through.

The idea of it is so brilliant... the plot and everything...

So yes... I can't wait until this movie is taken by the horns and built into an incredible production for God to use.

SO! Here's what I've done recently.

1. I've learnt to change the screen ratio from 16:9 (widescreen) to that SUPER widescreen (can't remember the figures)

2. I've learnt how to make digital footage look cinematic.

3. I've finally discovered the style of music I want to use!

This is EXACTLY the style I want!
Strong drum beat. Electric guitar. Rock!
And then in intervals, maybe a few classic instruments, like strings!
(Strings can easily be simulated by a keyboard. YES!)


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