Monday 5 July 2010

Berfdee and Literature stuffz...

Like... omigosh...

It's mah berfdee... And last night (at 12.00am) I screamed at whoever I was typing to.

Which probably wasn't the best idea, since we were writing an intense love scene.

I mean seriously... this was INTENSE.

Had you read my last one, you'd have thought,
'Holy cow... that is intense!'
Then reading this one, you'd think,
'HOLY HANNAH! *slapz* these two must REALLY love each other!'

But it's truueee!!! I do love her!

I love her with ALL my heart! And I'm afraid God's gonna have to share my soul with her. ^____^

♥ ♥ ♥

The first best thing that ever happened to me, was that I was saved.
But running VERY close, is the fact that I found her! ^___^

Love you!!! ♥


Lucy Mayo said...

:D Yaaa Happy Birhtdayy to youuuuu!!!

*giggling* send? ;3

SGste said...

you really wanna read this one?

'tis not for the faint hearted...

infact, it's quite intense... :P