Friday 30 July 2010

Inspration galore...

I've been so inspired to do stuff lately! :D

On Saturday, I'm going into town (church street) to do a performance with a friends church. We're going to do a mime sketch. It rocks... like... seriously... really cool.

Also, last Sunday, I was given the whole plot, twists and all, for a movie! :D
I want to perform it, but there's a lot of stuff that needs to be prepared and set up and stuff... so hopes up on that... ^_^

Thirdly, I'd been trying to plan a plot for a new story. I had ideas and back stories, but no plot. It was driving me CRAZY! >.<
But then it just came to me (while I was walking to see my [possible] future producer for the above mentioned film)

So yerr... lots to do, lots to do. ^_^


Finally... I have finally decided to tell my parents about mah GF...
Dunno how that'll go... we're nearing the beginning of our fourth month now...

Am trusting God to give me the perfect opportunity... ^_^"
I'm very nervous...

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