Wednesday 25 August 2010

My moov- ... sorry... GOD'S moovie! ^_^

I keep calling it my movie.

In all honesty, it isn't my movie at all.

I'm basically the envelope. God put the message inside me, He will deliver me, and all I gotta do is hold on tight. ^_^

So yes, it is my movie in the sense that as an envelope, the letter is in my keeping.
but it's also God's movie as he gave it to me to keep.

(that envelope was an awesome analogy! Just saying...)
So yerp... ;D

I got a request from someone who wanted to take part in my movie.

I'm happy for them to take part, and I even offered them the job of composer.

The thing is...

1. My producers have a BIG say in stuff, and I think there is a guy they might have in mind for the job. He was the first guy that came to my mind too...

2. Again, It's not MY film, it's GOD'S film. Therefor, He probably has the right people in mind for certain roles.

Therefor, I asked her to make sure it was what GOD wanted, that she take the role. If it is what God wants, then my producers will have no problem with her doing the score. If it ISN'T what God wants, then we'll all know it...

I know 100% that I will make this film. But then again, I was 100% that I'd love Tamara forever...


So... I'm going to trust God with His film and we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out.

Faith is the key.

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