Sunday 15 August 2010


Yup. You heard right. Single. That's me.

I'm not sad that I'm no longer dating Tam. God gave me plenty of warning that it was coming to an end.

This includes the first verse (and chorus) to the song 'Two Different Directions' by John Denver.

And other stuff.

I think what we felt at first was, 'I haven't talked to this person in a while. This strange feeling must be love'

and it was... but it wasn't a 'love you forever' love. It wasn't a 'I want to marry you love', or if it was, it couldn't have lasted.

Who knows about the future? Who knows what will happen?

I don't.

I don't know whether I will ever see her. And if I do, I will be thoroughly happy.
But for now, we're just kids. For now, we're not able to experience what other lovers do.

So it's ended. We are no longer together. Know that I'm not ashamed.

Everything we experienced has been amazing, and the things that weren't have taught us lessons of the future. I would not take past the past 3-4 months. Never.

My college story will remain the same. Why? Because it's true.
Am not gonna change it because I feel different now than I did then.

Am not gonna destroy everything I ever shared with her. My YouTube videos, my songs and all those other doodahs shall remain. I want her to be a memory. Not a regret.

That's it. That's all I have to say about that.

I have no-one in mind for 'future love'
I don't even have a crush.

I'm just plain old me.



Lucy Mayo said...

Well im glad your happy then :).
When you text me I got so scared you were heart broken... So im happy your not :).

Although that was very quick... I assume it was not talking to her for so long that made you realise you wernt IN love with her?

SGste said...

I guess... it's all hard to explain...

I think I realize that this isn't going to be as easy as I once thought. Hence my 'oh no' the other night. I woke up this morning, and realized I wouldn't be getting a message from her.


It's not that I'm gonna cry myself to sleep. It's just re-adjusting. I don't want to straight away go out and find someone to call 'love', but I don't want to be cooped up alone anymore. Not after what I've experienced in the past three-four months.